Security Measures & Certifications

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Our Commitment to Your Security is Paramount!

We understand the importance of safeguarding your data and upholding the highest standards of protection against potential cyber threats. That's why we have implemented stringent security measures and achieved significant certifications, including SOC 2 Type I and Type II.

SOC 2 Type I

This assesses the design of our security controls and verifies that Tookitaki has established an effective design of controls to meet the criteria set forth in the Trust Services Principles. This includes security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy of a system.

SOC 2 Type II

This report goes a step further by testing the effectiveness of those controls over time. The achievement of SOC 2 Type II certification confirms that our security controls are not only appropriately designed but also operate effectively and protect your data as intended.

Our Commitment to Security


Ensuring Security with Certification

  • Trust our SOC 2 certifications, which reaffirm our commitment to maintaining the highest security levels, offering you assurance about the safety of your sensitive data.
  • We manage customer data in a strictly controlled and regularly audited environment, proving our dedication to security.

Robust Security Protocols

  • Robust measures such as data encryption, multi-factor authentication, regular security audits, and strict access controls.
  • Continuous monitoring and proactive threat detection systems to respond to any potential security issues swiftly and effectively.

Trust and Transparency

  • Trust is at the core of our relationship with clients; we aim to earn and maintain it by prioritizing your security and confidentiality and exceeding industry standards.
  • We transparently communicate our security practices and certifications, allowing you to focus on leveraging our anti-financial crime platform in the knowledge that your data is safe.

Partners Who Trust Us

  • UOB


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  • Paymongo


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  • Mayabank


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  • Tencent


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  • Hakrinbank


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  • Fubon


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  • Customer Logos (1)


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  • Hibank


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