Reducing False Alerts and Improving Detection Rates with Tookitaki

5 mins

In today's ever-evolving financial landscape, Anti-Money Laundering (AML) compliance is a critical issue for financial institutions (FIs). The rise of digital financial platforms has made it easier for criminals to evade detection and engage in illegal activities such as money laundering and terrorist financing. As a result, AML compliance teams within financial institutions face the ongoing problem of false alerts and poor financial crime detection rates. 

The high rate of false positives leads to not only a loss of revenue but also a negative impact on the customer experience. It wastes valuable time and resources as well as leaves room for real threats to slip through undetected. Improving detection rates and reducing false alerts is imperative for financial institutions to maintain regulatory compliance and protect their reputation. The goal of this blog is to highlight the challenges of false alerts and poor detection rates and how Tookitaki's AFC Ecosystem and AMLS can help financial institutions improve their AML compliance efforts.

The Problem with False Alerts and Poor Detection Rates

The financial industry has always struggled with the issue of false alerts and poor detection rates. False alerts refer to the incorrect identification of suspicious transactions or activities, while poor detection rates refer to the inability to detect genuine risks and threats. These issues arise from the increasing volumes of transactions and the complexity of financial systems, leading to difficulties in filtering out false positive alerts. According to research, false positives account for over 95% of AML alerts and make up approximately 42% of a company's compliance spending per year, resulting in losses of over USD 3 billion. The industry average rate of false positives is around 42%, but for larger institutions, it can reach as high as 95%

The consequences of false alerts and poor detection rates can be significant, including wasted resources, lost revenue, and damage to reputation. FIs are required to comply with strict regulations and AML laws, which can result in large fines for non-compliance. In addition, false alerts also cause operational inefficiencies and increase the workload for compliance teams, leading to increased costs for the institution. Legacy systems often struggle to cope with the volume of transactions and may generate large numbers of false positive alerts. In addition, these systems may not be able to keep up with the evolving threat landscape, leading to poor detection rates for genuine risks. Additionally, the lack of access to updated information and risk scenarios can lead to further difficulties in detecting genuine risks.

To address these challenges and to ensure compliance with regulations and AML laws, financial institutions require a robust solution that can effectively manage false alerts and improve detection rates. Tookitaki's Anti-Money Laundering Suite (AMLS), powered by an industry-first AFC Ecosystem, offers a cutting-edge solution to these issues.

AMLS and AFC Ecosystem: The Solution to False Alerts and Poor Detection Rates

The AFC Ecosystem and AMLS are designed to work together to help financial institutions detect, prevent and manage financial crime. The AFC Ecosystem is a community-based platform that brings together financial institutions, regulators, and law enforcement agencies to share knowledge and work together to fight financial crime. The AMLS is Tookitaki’s proprietary technology platform that uses modern technologies to help financial institutions detect and prevent money laundering and other financial crimes.

A key feature of the AFC Ecosystem is the Typology Repository, a database of money laundering techniques and schemes that have been identified by financial institutions around the world. The repository allows financial institutions to share information and best practices and helps to improve the overall effectiveness of the fight against financial crime. The AFC Ecosystem also includes a no-code user interface, which makes it easy for financial institutions to create and share typologies, and powerful analytics and visualization tools to help financial institutions understand and analyze the data in the repository.

The AMLS is designed to deliver fewer, higher-quality alerts, and to improve the overall efficiency of the AML process. The Transaction Monitoring module of AMLS uses typologies from the AFC Ecosystem to detect hidden suspicious patterns, thereby improving detection rates. It utilizes powerful simulation modes for automated threshold tuning, which allows AML teams to focus on the most relevant alerts and improve their overall efficiency. The module also includes a built-in sandbox environment, which allows financial institutions to test and deploy new typologies in a matter of minutes. This feature enables AML teams to quickly adapt to new money laundering techniques and stay ahead of the criminals.

AMLS provides an automated alert triaging function, called Smart Alert Management (SAM), for the transaction monitoring and name screening processes within AML compliance teams. AMLS-SAM assigns risk scores to alerts accurately and automatically and orders and segregates them into different risk categories. This is done with the help of our proprietary machine-learning models that sift through a large volume of data to achieve holistic risk coverage. By prioritizing high-risk alerts and de-prioritizing lower-risked alerts, AMLS-SAM can reduce the cost of compliance for banks by decreasing over 50% of generated false positives.

The Benefits of Tookitaki's AFC Ecosystem and AMLS

The AFC Ecosystem provides financial institutions with a platform to share knowledge and collaborate on fighting financial crime. By pooling their resources and expertise, institutions are able to get a more comprehensive view of financial crime activity and detect hidden patterns and connections that would otherwise go unnoticed. AMLS, on the other hand, leverages proprietary machine learning models and other advanced technologies to detect patterns and anomalies that may indicate financial crime. This allows financial institutions to uncover hidden money trails and stay ahead of criminals, while also improving compliance and increasing efficiency.

Financial institutions using Tookitaki's AFC Ecosystem and AMLS have seen significant improvements in their ability to manage their compliance workload. A case study with a global bank revealed that, after deploying SAM, every one in six alerts became a suspicious report, a 600% improvement in operational effectiveness, and a 53% increase in productivity. In another case study with a tier 1 bank in Singapore, AMLS-SAM achieved the following:

  • 70% reduction in false positives for individual names and 60% reduction in false positives for corporate names through our Name Screening module.
  • 50% reduction in false positives, 5% increase in true positives (file-able SARs) and an overall true positive prediction rate of 96% in the high-priority category through our Transaction Monitoring module.

Tookitaki's AFC Ecosystem and AMLS solution is unique in the industry, as it brings together financial institutions, regulators, and law enforcement agencies to share knowledge and work together to combat financial crime. This community-based approach allows for a more holistic view of financial crime activity, making it easier to detect and prevent such activities. Additionally, the use of proprietary machine learning models and other advanced technologies in AMLS allows for more accurate detection of financial crime and reduces the number of false alerts. These advantages set Tookitaki's AFC Ecosystem and AMLS apart from traditional, siloed solutions and make it a superior solution for financial institutions looking to improve their compliance and prevent financial crime.

A Pioneering Solution for Fighting Financial Crime

It's clear that reducing false alerts and improving detection rates is crucial in the fight against financial crime. Tookitaki's innovative approach to financial crime detection, prevention and management combined with its cutting-edge technology, make it a leading solution for financial institutions. We encourage financial institutions to explore Tookitaki's AFC Ecosystem and AMLS through a demo to see the results for themselves.