Breaking Down Silos in AML Compliance with Tookitaki's Platform

4 mins

When it comes to anti-money laundering (AML) compliance, traditional methods often fall short. Financial institutions (FIs) are faced with the daunting task of sifting through mountains of data and identifying suspicious activity on their own, a process that can be time-consuming and resource-intensive. Furthermore, the siloed nature of traditional AML compliance means that institutions are not able to share information with one another, limiting their ability to detect and prevent money laundering schemes that are being experienced by their peers on a larger scale.

Tookitaki's platform revolutionizes the AML compliance process by facilitating information sharing and collaboration between FIs, thereby breaking down silos and improving the overall effectiveness of AML efforts. In this article, we will delve deeper into the challenges of traditional AML compliance, the benefits of Tookitaki's community-based approach, and how it can help FIs stay ahead of the ever-evolving threat of financial crime.

The Importance of Information Sharing in AML Compliance

When it comes to combating money laundering, one of the key challenges that financial institutions face is the solitary perspective that they have on suspicious activity. Criminals often attack numerous FIs to perpetrate money laundering schemes, layering deposits of illegal funds and exploiting a lack of cooperation between organizations to evade AML or counter-financing of terrorism (CFT) controls. To address this threat, FIs must participate in a collaborative culture, sharing data and information that will aid in the detection of money laundering. 

Information sharing is increasingly being recognized by regulatory bodies as an effective tool in the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing. Information sharing allows FIs to structure and layer suspicious transactions, making it harder for criminals to introduce illegal funds into the financial system. It also facilitates identity verification, allowing institutions to alert each other to the elevated AML risk when criminals falsify their identities or submit incomplete documentation. Furthermore, it can help institutions to stay informed about new money laundering methodologies or compliance blindspots, which would enable the wider financial community to identify criminal activity.

However, while the benefits of information sharing are clear, it is not without its challenges. Data privacy regulations, such as the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), limit what organizations can do with the information they hold on their customers. Organizations need to be careful to adhere closely to data handling rules and ensure that they are not in violation of any regulations. Additionally, technological limitations may prevent organizations from sharing information. The struggle is further elevated when the scope of their information sharing requirements and capabilities, which can limit their ability to effectively share information.

The AFC Ecosystem’s Role in Breaking Down Silos

Pioneered by Tookitaki, the Anti-Financial Crime (AFC) Ecosystem is a separate entity and a community-based platform that is designed to facilitate insights sharing and improve the overall state of AML AML compliance for FIs worldwide. The shared insights is operationalized to work alongside Tookitaki's Anti-Money Laundering Suite (AMLS) to provide an evolving solution for FIs.

The AFC ecosystem's goal is to discover the hidden money trails of criminals. Similar to global monitoring & policy-making institutions, the AFC ecosystem is a body of experts covering the entire spectrum of money-laundering. Their wealth of experience is operationalized to enable partner financial institutions in uncovering money trails which aren’t discoverable by today’s standards. One of the key features of the AFC Ecosystem is its ability to connect financial institutions through a secure, cloud-based platform. This enables institutions to share information and collaborate on AML compliance efforts.

The main output of the AFC ecosystem is the Typology Repository, a repository of risk scenarios guided by regulators and fin crime experts. This is a database of money laundering techniques and schemes that have been identified by FIs, fincrime experts and regulators around the world. FIs contribute to the repository by sharing their own specialized experience and knowledge of money laundering. This ensures a secured, communal approach to fighting financial crime instead of a siloed-manner.

How Tookitaki’s AMLS and AFC Ecosystem Can Help Financial Institutions Improve Compliance

Tookitaki's AMLS powered by the AFC ecosystem's output, provide financial institutions with a comprehensive solution for detecting, preventing and managing financial crime. With the AMLS, here are the two key benefits that your organization will experience:

  • Sharper Detection: Tookitaki's proprietary machine learning models are designed to detect patterns and anomalies based on published regulatory red flags along with scenarios provided by the expert community. Hidden money trails become visible in the eyes of Tookitaki.
  • Improved Collaboration: Powered by the AFC ecosystem, collaboration becomes a mighty ally in the fight against money-laundering tactics. Tookitaki's partner FI's no longer need to combat alone in silos instead they now have shared knowledge, making it easier for detection and prevention of malicious actors.

Revolutionizing AML Compliance with Tookitaki's Platform: Take the Next Step

If you're looking to improve your AML compliance, we encourage you to request a demo of Tookitaki's platform. Our team is here to help you understand how our platform can help your organization stay ahead of the latest AML threats, while also streamlining compliance processes. With Tookitaki's platform, you'll be able to better protect your organization and your customers from financial crime.